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Recommended by experts and customers

This is the kind of rug that every home should own. Its natural blue and grey tones can fit into many different colour palettes, and the simple, modern design easily integrates into many decors. With a rich, colourful finish, the depth of hue has real intensity and will complement any greys in your home perfectly. Alternatively, balance it with contrasting shades of oranges and yellows for a contemporary look in either a bedroom, dining space, or living room. This is such an easy rug to use in your home, you’ll wonder why you didn’t buy it sooner.

Jen Stanbrook

UK - Award winning design blog
Love Chic Living

Die Frage ist nicht mehr, ob du einen dieser Teppiche kaufst, sondern welchen. Viele Kunden von mir können sich manche Dinge nicht so gut vorstellen, deshalb nutze hier die Chance und bestelle dir ein kleines Stück Perfektion. Lass dir ein Muster zusenden, dass die Wertigkeit, Qualität und die Haptik bestätigen wird. So kannst du ganz sicher eine Entscheidung treffen. Danach hast du die freie Auswahl zwischen so vielen schönen traditionellen Designs, mit dem Ursprung aus Fernost, die du mit verschiedenen Einrichtungsstile kombinieren kannst. Ein echter Wohlfühlteppich in deinem Zuhause, aus reiner Wolle.

Frehse Melanie

GERMANY - TV Wohnexpertin Inneneinrichterin Kreativkopf und Mutter
Willkommen bei Melanie Frehse

Succombez pour ce best seller! A la manière d’un jeans délavé, ce tapis moldave au look vieilli séduit par son aspect usé très tendance. Sa palette de tons neutres et froids apaise les ambiances saturées en énergie: il est donc tout à fait recommandé dans la chambre, le bureau ou dans une chambre d’enfant! Les lignes droites de ce très beau tapis 100% laine sont idéales pour twister une ambiance un peu trop sage: jouez à fond la carte du mix & match en accordant cet accessoire fait-main à une décoration plus osée!

Clémence André

FRANCE - Blogueur d'intérieur
Clem Around the Corner

Las alfombras además de aportar la calidez a un determinado espacio lo llena decorativamente hablando. Con un diseño como el que vemos en este modelo la estancia quedará llena de estilo y elegancia sin necesitar mucho más. Los tonos dorados son una apuesta segura si queremos ganar unos toques de luz, mientras que su original diseño es apto para integrar tanto con muebles clásicos como de diseño. Las formas geométricas darán sensación de orden y equilibrio al ambiente sin necesidad de mucho más.

Verónica Delgado

SPAIN - Interiorista, Autor del galardonado blog de decoración
Blog Myleitmotiv

Questo tappeto orientale è un classico tappeto persiano ma, grazie alla sua speciale combinazione di colori e motivi, ha un aspetto molto moderno. I motivi floreali astratti sfumano in diversi colori, su uno sfondo in oro, e accenti in blu e verde. Perfetto su un pavimento in legno chiaro, lo immagino in un ambiente ricco di piante e tessuti, cuscini, per un look super cozy e raffinato.

Elisabetta Rizzato

ITALY - Experto, Autore del Top 25 blog di Interni Globali
  • Moldovan carpet tradition

    Moldova is an integral part of Europe and has a rich history. This country is situated in the contact zone between different cultural and historic trends – Carpathian-Balkan, Central-European and Eurasian. During its multi-millennial history harmoniously absorbed diverse cultural traditions of Proto-Indo-Europeans and archaic Indo-European peoples, thus obtaining specific and unparalleled features. All ethnic groups have embellished traditions and folk art of Moldova with something personal.

  • Choose wool rugs

    Moldabela is using natural yarn from Eco Wool. Our yarn is created using Wool from New Zealand and British Wool that are all known as being of a high quality. Also we are using Carded Eco Wool that helps us to design wool carpets with different texture.

  • Tips to chose your rug

    You must love the rug!
    It’s something that should last forever!

    How to choose the correct rug?

    Most rooms need a rug. Rooms without a rug can appear unwelcoming and unfinished. The rugs introduce a sense of luxury, and particularity, if they have good quality. But how to chose colours, patterns and textures of the rugs for your rooms?


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